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Not only will this keep your hands and feet looking their best, it will prevent hangnails, breakage, and other potential damage to your nails. Short nails can't trap dirt under them the way long nails do. How often you clip your fingernails will depend on your personal desired length. To decide, take into account what you use your hands for on a daily basis. If you spend a lot of time typing on a computer or playing the piano, for example, short nails are probably the best option for you. If you prefer longer nails, that's fine too, but be sure to trim them every so often to prevent breakage.

  • Use an orange stick to remove dirt from underneath the fingernails to prevent bacterial infections.

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Cleancare offers a variety of cleaning products in machinery – equipment – chemicals - consumables and hygiene to Professional Contractors, Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs, Developers, supermarkets and other companies in general.

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