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A014DIAMOND BRITE low maintenance wet floor polish A014

Description   Easy to use - no burnishing required. Maximum scuff resistance. Low maintenance requirement. •Dries to a wet look gloss. •Protects and prolongs the life of flooring materials.

Application   For all linoleum, P.V.C., rubber, sealed cork, sealed wood, terrazzo and thermoplastic floors. N.B. Not suitable for unsealed wood, unsealed cork or laminated flooring.

Directions   Diamond Brite must be applied to a clean dry floor. If required strip old polish with Selate or Selstrip. Apply a thin even film using a clean lint free mop or applicator. Apply a second coat when the first is dry (approximately 30 minutes). Additional coats enhance the finish. May be readily maintained with Selsheen or Fastlane.Coverage rate: 60 square metres per litre.

5 Liter container







SELSEAL acrylic base coat seal A008

Description     Non-yellowing polymer film. Does not discolor even the lightest floor. Penetrates and seals porous floors, provides an ideal base for emulsion application. Resistant to polish strippers.

Application   For all linoleum, P.V.C., rubber, terrazzo and thermoplastic floors. N.B. Do not use on unsealed wood and cork floor coverings.

Directions Selseal must be applied to a clean grease free floor. Apply a thin even film of seal using a clean lint free mop or applicator. Apply a second coat when the first is dry (approximately 30 mins). COVERAGE: 50 square meters per litre. MAINTENANCE: Selseal is formulated as a sealer coat and does not have a high resistance to wear. It must be finished by the application of Selexel or other metallized polymer emulsion and normal maintenance techniques employed. PROTECT FROM FROST. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY.

5 Liter container






STONEGLO marble and terrazzo polish finish A004

Description   A metallised polish for extreme strength and durability coupled with ease of removability. Non-yellowing cross linked polymer film. Does not discolour even the lightest floor. Produces a deep shine with excellent slip resistance. •Enhances the appearance and prolongs the life of marble and terrazzo floors. •Responds brilliantly to all spray burnishing techniques.

 Application   Specially formulated for marble and terrazzo floors.

 Directions   Stoneglo must be applied to a clean and grease free floor. Strip old polish with Selstrip or Selate then rinse thoroughly with clean water, allow floor to dry. Apply a thin even film of Stoneglo using a clean lint free mop or applicator. Apply a second coat when the first is dry (approximately 30 mins). May be buffed as required to enhance gloss.COVERAGE: 60 square metres per litre. MAINTENANCE: Damp Mopping: As required using Lemon Floor Jell or Stonebrite. Spray cleaning/burnishing: Regular use of Selsheen will enhance appearance and life expectancy.

5 Liter container






MINIT GLOSS instant clean & shine floor polish B027

 Description   Outstanding gloss. Durable finish. Slip resistant. Pleasant fragrance. Non-yellowing.

Application Minit Gloss is a concentrated clean and buff floor polish, suitable for use with high speed buffing machines, alternatively it can be mopped on and will dry to a high gloss finish. Minit Gloss has outstanding performance and can be used on all types of thermoplastic and synthetic floor coverings.

Directions Minit Gloss should be diluted into a trigger spray 1 part to 10 parts water and used with a spray cleaning pad. For best results the machine should be of medium speed. Alternatively,Minit Gloss may be mopped onto the floor, allowed to dry, and buffed or burnished with a suitable rotary machine. Both methods will produce an outstanding finish. This finish is slip resistant and shows exceptional resistance to wear. Minit Gloss has a built in cleaning agent and can be damp mopped at a dilution of 1 part to 10 parts water. N.B. Minit Gloss is unsuitable for use on unsealed wood, unsealed cork or laminated flooring.

5 Liter container







Floor Polishes -Sealers -tile protectors from butcher's and HG






Buther’s High-Performance Finish Low Maintenance

Great durability. Requires Less Frequent recoating. Excellent mark, scuff and scratch resistance .

Responds to spray buff maintenance and to UHS burnishing.

5 Liter container








iron stone


Butcher’s Acrylic Seal for stone and Porous Surfaces. Excellent leveling and adhesive characteristics, even on

Worn surfaces. Superior compatibility with a wide range of stone surfaces. Reduces scuffing and marking. Protects against soil penetration and staining. Can be used with any butchers finish, but best results for low speed rotary machines to be used with Mainstay Finish. Strips easily

5 Liter container









HG STAIN PROTECTOR - Water based penetrating Sealer

Description   Provides completely colorless, invisible protection on quarry tile ,slates and other natural stones.

Excellent repellent against liquid dirt and soiling.

Application For use on unglazed ceramic, quarry tile, slate and porcelain tile, marble, travertine, limestone, granite, etc.

Directions   The surface must be completely clean and dry. Apply HG Stain Prevention neat and undiluted with a mohair roller or brush. On verticle surfaces, start from the bottom up. Apply in one direction. After approx. 5 minutes, and before it has time to adhere to the surface, remove any surplus from the surface.

Allow to dry for approx. 2 hours before applying a second coat If Necessary.
Do not allow liquid spills for at least 12 hours coverage: up to. 100 m2 / per 1.0 liter, depending absorption.

1 Liter container






Crystallizer for Marble, Terrazzo, and marble composition floors, Anti-slip treatment

Description: Sutter Cris
Crystallization & maintenance of marble floors.
It makes the surface highly glossy and dirt-proof because it eliminates the porosity of calcareous floors. Suitable also for external floors. Anti-slip formula.
: Marble and other calcareous floors.
Dilution: Ready to use

5 Liter container
1Liter container

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Cleancare offers a variety of cleaning products in machinery – equipment – chemicals - consumables and hygiene to Professional Contractors, Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs, Developers, supermarkets and other companies in general.

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